Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Last Day Of Year 2019

Edgar the driver will pick me up around 9AM, thinking that the mall will be open by 10AM.  Wrong!

With him is his son Luis.  Unfortunately, the tablet he (Edgar) requested that I buy for him at Lazada during the 12-12 promo has been cancelled.  It is their gift to Luis.  The payment was refunded to my Lazada wallet.  I again looked for a replacement.  I lack PhP77.00 to complete the payment.  Thus, first stop is at 7-Eleven to top-up my wallet.  Connection is not good.  We even reached the 7-Eleven near our house in Pasay to have it topped-up.

Next is at The Landmark Food Center where I bought round cakes (with “Happy 2020!” written for me and for Edgar) at Goldilocks.  Also bought puto and polvoron.  All are round-shaped.

Supposedly, we will be going to Baskin & Robbins to buy World Class Chocolate ice cream which is at 31% discount but Glorietta is still closed.  The mall opens at 11AM.  Walked around it and proceeded to SM Supermarket to buy a basket of thirteen (13) fruits.  Walked back to The Landmark, leaving our purchases in the car.

We had our lunch at The Landmark Food Center.  While waiting for the food, went to the department store to buy a yellow (or pink) blouse for Lyn.  She’s born in the year of the Rat and, supposedly, her lucky colors are yellow and pink.  Mine’s bright yellow, light blue or peach.

After lunch, went to Dora to give my simple gift.  Already bought several chocolates which I plan to give to the staff maintaining the mall’s restrooms.  Obviously, I am a frequent user.  Hehe!

Bought the ice cream and asked Edgar and Luis to wait for it while I distribute my gifts.

With the ice cream, went home.  Edgar will be back around 3PM to pick-up the food I ordered for our  media noche .

Around 3PM, we are on our way to Emerald Garden Restaurant.  I already placed my order days ahead.  Our food is Yang Chow fried rice, crispy fried chicken, sweet and sour pork, birthday noodles, crab fooyong. As soon as we arrived, my order is already packed! #ThumbsUp They also suggested their new food:  Emerald pie.  Bought it, of course.  I also ordered sweet and sour pork, and crab fooyong for Edgar and his family.

Happy 2020!

Monday, December 30, 2019


Woke up with the room spinning.  Uh-oh!  Vertigo.  Since I do not have a stock of Serc with me, my niece called up Edgar the driver to buy two (2) Serc 8mg on his way here.

Unlike before that after taking the medicine, 30 minutes after, I would be OK.  This time, it is longer. Was planning of going to the mall.  Decided instead to go to Makati Medical Center.  My dry cough and colds is already more than a week, too.  Was afraid the problem is with my heart.

First went to Maxicare, but it is close.  Thus, went to the hospital's emergency room (ER) instead.  There were lots of patients.  Since I have no one with me, I cannot leave the ER to buy food.  When The doctor finally checked me, she asked to perform the following tests:  CBC, ECG and X-Ray.

The doctor said it was viral (thus, no need for antibiotics).  The tests are normal.  But she advised that I go to a cardiologist because my heart has enlarged.  She gave me medicines.  Bought them at the hospital's pharmacy before leaving.  Left around 6PM (I was in the hospital around 10:30AM).

Stopped by The Landmark Supermarket to buy chocolates I plan to give to the janitor/janitress even Manong of Lydia's Lechon.  Bought a Pacsafe wallet which I plan to use with the DefenderShield hip pack once it arrives.

Went to Cash & Carry to buy lechon and dinuguan, and give my gift to Manong of Lydia's Lechon.  The lechon is out of stock!  Still bought the dinuguan.

Saturday, December 28, 2019


After having my Avanza gassed-up (PhP2.00 discount per liter), was dropped-off at Glorietta.  Was thinking of watching "Frozen"; but if I do so, I would not be able to attend the anticipated Mass.  Went to Glorietta 4 Cinemas to check which Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) entries were being shown.  Nope.  Will window-shop.

First had lunch at Peppy Olive in Food Choices.  Bought medicines at Mercury Drug.  Paid my electric bill at Bayad Center in The Landmark.  Milk tea at Serenitea, using the gift certificate given by my niece.

Since I have been reading about EMF, was thinking of making a DIY EMF blocker.  Read that aluminium foil can do the trick.  Bought a board at National Bookstore.  I'll wrap it with aluminium foil and put it in my cellphone pouch (between me and the cellphone).  At night, I would put my mobile phones in airplane mode or close them.  Checked also DefenderShield.

Again, bought the Christmas bread loaf at Sans Rival for my anticipated Mass-mates.  They were there.  One was not in last week's Mass because she attended a wedding in the province.  The other, learned that she had a stroke.  She attended today's anticipated Mass in a wheelchair.

For supper, ate at farmers in Food Choices.  When I passed by MBT, learned that it is on sale.  It includes the sandals I have been eyeing when I first saw it in the store.

Bought groceries at The Landmark Supermarket before proceeding home.

Friday, December 27, 2019

3Pol Trobol Tax

I usually take a leave on the last working day of the year.  This is for me to be able to pay the real property tax of my condo.

I was late in waking up.  Thus, when I reached Makati City Hall, there were already a lot of people. Note to self:  Wake up early to avoid the hassle.

Then, passed by the office to leave my gift for one of my staff.  It would be her last day today.

After, went to Bank of the Philippine Islands' preferred banking.  Took the kit and made an investment.

Was the dropped-off at The Landmark where I had my lunch at its food center.  Got food-to-go for Edgar the driver as he is having a hard time to find a parking slot.

Paid the water bill of Dolores at The Landmark's Bayad Center.

Bought discounted movie ticket for "3Pol Trobol: Huli Ka Balbon" starring Coco Martin, Jennylyn Mercade and Ai-Ai de las Alas.  Bought milk tea at Serenitea before going inside the cinema.

Because of the incident infront of his school, Pol was offered a job after he graduates from the Police Academy. The Secretary came across a ledger that would prove the involvement of corrupt officials on the arms syndicate.  This also caused for him to be ambushed and die.  Pol has to protect the Secretary's daughter and give the ledger to the President.  As usual, most of the actors in the movie are the actors in "Ang Probinsyano" TV series.

Passed by Pet Express, SM Hypermart, Cash & Carry and National Bookstore before proceeding home.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

CHRISTmas! (And My Version Of Boxing Day)

Already bought the tickets online for the movies included in the Metro Manila Film Festival we would be watching.  It has now become a tradition to treat my “angels” with movies and lunch/ dinner in good restaurants.  One of my nieces would be joining us.

Our first movie will be shown at 10AM.  Thus by 9AM, we would be leaving the condo for Glorietta 4 Cinemas.  Edgar brought my pomeranian dog Tsubasa to his house around 6AM.  He will pick us up by 9AM.

Miracle In Cell No. 7 is a Filipino adaption of the Korean film with the same title.  Just wondered why this was allowed...  Anyway, half-way through the movie, already shedding tears.  Just watching the movie trailer makes you cry, too.  Without the capable talents of the supporting actors, I think this movie will not fly.

We walked our way to Greenbelt where we had our lunch at Gerry’s Grill.  This is for us to be near the cinema where we would be watching our second movie.  My niece gave me Serenitea gift certificates as gift.  So, went to Serenitea to buy the brown sugar frost with Holly’s milk as our dessert.  Hehehe!

Our second movie is the only horror genre among the entries.  Sunod (translation:  follow, next).  Was wondering why the movie was titled as such.  Maybe because the lead allowed the ghost to follow her?  Or the lead would be the next to be ****** (spoiler).  Anyway, did not scare me.  As I always mentioned, the only horror movie (so far) which scared me is “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”—and it is based on a true story.

Stopped at Krispy Kreme where I bought boxes of donuts for Manong and Norly which they give as pasalubong when they get home.  Also bought a box for Edgar as a thank you and a box for us.

Our dinner is at Bulgogi Brothers.  My niece took charge of ordering the food as she would know the best Korean food.

While waiting for Edgar to pick us up, my niece treated us at Starbucks.


Happy CHRISTmas!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Apparition Hua

Already made my order.  Will pick our food for the Christmas Eve at Conti's around 10AM.

A few minute before 10AM, was already there.  Conti's have already learned from their previous experiences, that is why, there is no hassle.  Brought the spare ribs and baked salmon back home before proceeding to SM Megamall.

I broke again my wooden Hua Mulan comb.  Will have two of its teeth repaired.  The store is on sale and there were lots of customers.  Bought me a comb made of ox horn.  Weh!

And the highlight of being in Megamall?  Lunch at El Pollo Loco.  Hehehe!

There was no traffic that travel time from Megamall to Glorietta is less than twenty (20) minutes.

After being dropped-off, went to Glorietta 4 Cinemas to check what movie to watch.  Bought discounted movie ticket for "Apparition".  "Star Wars" is no longer be shown--it will be again shown after the Metro Manila Film Festival 2019 which would start on December 25.

Bought brown sugar frost with Hollys milk at Serenitea, baller at Worship Generation (plan to use it as big rubber band to tie my eyeglass case in case it breaks again).

Guided by a mobile phone application that connects the living with the dead, a group of young people  find themselves in an abandoned castle, which used to be for the rehabilitation of young boys.  Supposedly based on the true events about the Preston School of Industry.  Ho-hum!

Bought a pouch case for my iPhone 6s before leaving for home.

Would be watching the Christmas Eve Mass on television.  Before our house was gutted by fire, we attend the Mass at Sta. Clara Parish Church.

Happy CHRISTmas everyone!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Star Wars

For this week, making excuses to go to the mall after office.  Last minute purchases for Christmas.  Hopefully, by today, all items on my list has been ticked-off.

First stop is at Petron to fill up the tank of my Avanza--to enjoy the weekend promo of PhP2.00 off per liter.

Went to our property in Pasay where I gave my gift to Sintaro and the guard.

Then, was dropped-off at Glorietta.

Did not know that Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker is already being shown.  Of course, bought discounted movie ticket.

So, lunch at Wendy's before my movie.  Bought carrot cake at Sans Rival as gift to Ate Mila from the anticipated Mass.  Bought gifts for Aria and Alana at Toytown.  Left my purchases at The Landmark's package counter.  Milk tea fix at Serenitea.

Episode IX is the final battle between the First Order and the Resistance.  It is also push the Jedi-Sith conflict to its conclusion.  Questions like who is Rey?  Who are her "nobody" parents?  Will Kylo Ren/ Ben revert to being good, like Darth Vader?  Like.

Attended the anticipated Mass at Mary Mother of Hope Chapel in The Landmark, supper at Food Choices, bought Belen water globe at Rustan's on sale, bought groceries at The Landmark Supermarket, and filled-up the tank of my HR-V at Petron before proceeding home.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Clan Reunion

When the clan's matriarch was still alive, we meet on December 25 and on December 31.  The feast was being prepared by my Nanay with her assistants (Nana, Uncle Nes, etc.).

On December 25, it is my Lola's "gift" to the salesperson (tindera) from the wet market (palengke) my Lola owns.  This is also when we are able to get our aguinaldo from our aunts, uncles, lolo, lola, etc.

On the eve of the new year, it is just family.  I come up with games, my Nanay is the game master and sponsor for the prizes.  All join the games--aunts, uncles, cousins, kids.  What made it fun, even if the prize is just candies and chocolate, my aunts cheat!

When my Lola and my Nanay moved on, there are no more reunions.  So, I decided to treat my nieces and nephew every year at Enchanted Kingdom.  This way, they would bond.

Now, the (family) corporation took the helm.  Every year, there is a reunion at my cousin's house in Alabang, sponsored by the corporation.

For this year, my niece Pam, and my brother and his other family will not be joining.  My niece would be watching the Super Junior concert.  My Kuya?  He has his reasons.  But it will not damper the mood.

Everyone had fun!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Ceramic Black

I had my Honda HR-V maintained (rustproof, ceramic, etc.) at Ziebart last Wednesday.  Will go to pay for the service.  Learned that it is already available for pick-up.  Paid for the services.  Edgar will pick the car up after dropping me off.

Walked my way to Ayala Center via the Dela Rosa elevated walkway.  Time to tick-off items from my Christmas list.  Will watch a movie, too.

Bought a discounted movie ticket for Black Christmas.  Had lunch at Wendy's before my movie.

Since I still have time, will buy Christmas gifts.

First is at National Bookstore where I bought the year 2020 copy of Didache for me, Christmas cards (money enclosure is not available) and Christmas gift tag (wanted the message "Merry Christmas" and not "Happy holidays" nor "Season's greetings".)

Next is at Kamiseta where I was able to buy gifts for my "angels".  Also at Bench where I was able to buy a gift for Edgar the driver.

Left my purchases at The Landmark's package counter for me to be comfortable while I watch my movie.

"Black Christmas" is about a group of sorority sisters who become targeted by an unknown stalker.  Hohum....

Then, went to Gaea to pick-up the Lucky 16 bracelet I bought and had restranded.  Stopped at Food Choices to wear my new bracelet.  Hehehe!

Went back to The Landmark to buy more Christmas gifts, Christmas gift tags, and Christmas bag (the easier for me to "wrap" my gifts).  Left my additional purchases at the store's package counter.

Attended the anticipated Mass, we had dinner at Food Choices (where my niece dropped by), bought groceries at The Landmark Supermarket.

Passed-by Makati Cinema Square to buy at 5D Dimension Crystal, claimed my Jollibee items using the BPI vouchers I earned.  Then, proceeded home.
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Crystals, New Age, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Saturday, December 07, 2019

Jumanji Maintenance

Already made an appointment.  Edgar, the driver, already brought my Honda HR-V to Honda Makati even before it's 9:30AM appointment.  My service advisor would already know what to do since he would be seeing the car there.

Around 9AM, Edgar is back to pick me up (after bringing my niece to Araneta).  But first, stopped at the Administration office. Gave my gifts which will be used as raffle prices for the Christmas party of the staff, guards and janitor on December 13.  Gave three (3) TV Plus Go with USB micro to USB-C converter in case the one who wins the item already uses USB-C for his/ her mobile phone.

When I reached Honda Makati, all the paper works have been completed, I just have to pay for it so that Edgar will be able to pick-up the car without hassle.  Gave my simple Christmas gift to my service advisor.

I then was dropped-off at Glorietta.  Would be watching a movie and, at least, tick-off some items in my Christmas list.  I had lunch at The Landmark food center, bought discounted movie ticket for Jumanji: The Next Level, milk tea at Seneritea, looked for eyeglass case to replace my defective one (was able to find one at a'postrophe), checked Gaea if the bracelet I have restranded is already available (it is).

For my Christmas list, went to Stradivarius where I bought a gift for Nica.  Onto Bench for gifts for Nico and Nica.  In Uniqlo, bought a gift for Nico.  That's two names off my list.  Checked Kamiseta and Bayo looking for gifts for "angels".

Back to my movie.  The team is back in Jumanji, with additional characters and additional challenges.  When they thought they would just be doing the adventures they did previously, they were dead wrong.  What I loved in the "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle" is still here.  The actors of the video game characters acting as if the character of the teenagers.  Luv it! 👍

Attended the anticipated Mass at Mary Mother of Hope Chapel in The Landmark, we had dinner at Luk Yuen, bought groceries at The Landmark supermarket, availed my BPI promo at Jollibee, before proceeding home.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The November and December birthday celebrants treated us for lunch at Buffet 101 in Glorietta.  Since I am already there, decided to buy the TV Go Plus I am planning to give as (raffle) gifts to our condominium staff, guards and janitors, and Christmas gift to my "angels".

Thursday, December 5, 2019

As I was going to our other building, saw a red liquid on the street by the gutter, blocked by a police tape.  I thought it was just catsup.  Learned that it was blood.

It was from an officemate who had a heart attack, fell down and hit his head.  Learned he was able to reach the emergency room, still breathing by his eyes were already dilated.  He succumbed.

A few minutes before the incident, he posted in his facebook account that his Christmas wish is for his family to be happy, healthy.  Sad...
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Crystals, New Age, superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.