Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year!!!

I must have been tired without realizing it because I woke up late today. It must be due to the (mis)adventure at Enchanted Kingdom. I would normally wake up early so that I will be the first to buy "round" things/food to be set on the dining table.

Inspite of it, was able to buy the food that I want. Then, I must have slept the whole part of the day... Tsk! Tsk!

But, made sure I would be awake when the year changes. Thus, set-up the Magic Sing so that we can sing our hearts out while we wait for 12 midnight. Also, put coins by the window and the doors, even on the bed (under my pillows) wishing for money to flow in and nakahiga sa pera... LOL

And at midnight, firecrackers sounded (from Chinese belief that it would ward off evil/bad luck) and fireworks lit the skies.

Here's hoping that the coming year would shower us all with blessings, cheers, answered prayers and wondrous deeds. Happy New Year!!! c",)
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Superstition is a sin for it violates the First Commandment.  One has to confess this; then reject, renounce and rebuke it.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Enchanted Kingdom Misadventures

Today is the day me and my nieces and nephews would be going to Enchanted Kingdom (EK). It would be some sort of bonding for the cousins as two of them are based in Japan and one is from the U.S.

It was a toss-up of taking two cars or using one, the multi-cab, so that the kids would be chatting their hearts out to and from EK. The multi-cab won.

The spirits are high in spite of the drizzle that fell on the way to EK. Rain or no rain, it's EK for us! hehehehe!

We were at EK when it opened at 10AM. What's good at being early is that we can take all the rides we can without being dismayed by a long queue. Started first with Dodgem (bumper cars) twice, followed by Roller Skater (caterpillar or mini-rollercoaster) thrice. LOL. Definitely, the drizzle won't stop us!

Afterwhich, it's Anchor's Away, with the girls sitting on one side of the boat and the boys on the other. By the time for Bump n' Splash, the drizzle already stopped. And to think, the aim of the ride is to bump the other "boat" so its passenger would get wet! Another "wet" ride followed, the Jungle Log Jam. For them to dry off, we decided to take the Flying Fiesta. That's when we noticed that the Rio Grande Rapids is already open. So, it's Rio Grande Rapids for us (twice). hehehehe! Then, back to Flying Fiesta to dry-off.

By that time, the kids are already hungry and we had pizza and taco salad for lunch. For a less strenous activity, we watched the movie showing in Rialto, followed by the movie showing at 4D Discovery Theater. It's the older of the bunch who kept shouting at 4D! LOL.

Now, they are ready for the Kart Trak. A good excuse to practice my "panning"... hehe!

After the Kart Trak, they tried their hand on Exodus The Ride where they would drive an All-Terrain Vehicle. This is the new ride offered by EK. And they really enjoyed it!

Xtreme Paintball is next on the list. Again, it's the girls versus the guys. Actually, I do not know who won...

After a light merienda (snack), it's back to the Kart Trak. This time, the queue is long. By the time they have gone through their laps, it would be time for dinner.

After dinner, the kids are back again to the ATV. Driving the ATV through the obstacles at night would be more an adventure (although, it already is even during the day). Then, they took another ride to the Space Shuttle while I took the Wheel of Fate (very big ferris wheel). The view at the top is great! But the wind is a bit strong and is very cold. I am even afraid to take pictures lest my camera might fall... hehe!

A few more minutes after the Wheel of Fate ride, the fireworks display would begin. Left the kids with Manong near the stage of where the fireworks program would be. I then positioned myself by the Grand Carousel as I wanted to take the pictures of the fireworks with the Grand Carousel as the foreground. The outcome? Not bad.

After the fireworks, it's time to go home. But first, stopped by the Face Painting and Henna Tattoo where one of my nieces had a henna tattoo painted on her.

On the way to drop my nieces and nephews, thought that it would be a quiet drive (while the kids are busy chatting at the back). That's when a problem occured with the multi-cab. Good thing it happened while we are already at Sucat. Called the husband of my cousin if he can pick up the rest of the kids so that they would already be safely tucked-in bed. He came to our rescue and even managed to come up with a temporary solution so that we can use the multi-cab to go home.

Until... we had a flat tire!

Since my brother called another of his driver to bring a truck in case the multi-cab needed to be towed, we left Manong with the multi-cab (as he cannot reach Jacinto by mobile phone) and waited at my aunt's house until Manong and Jacinto came to pick us up.

Now, if that's not an (mis)adventure, I don't know what is... LOL

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Game Boy Advance (GBA): The Sims 2

PSP's The Sims 2 must really have rubbed off. Bought my niece The Sims 2 for her Game Boy Advance as a Christmas gift. From the time she opened her gift, we have been sharing time (and making kulit) in playing her GBA. Hehehe!

Surfed the internet and found a good walkthrough of the game for GBA --> click link.

Monday, December 25, 2006


It's Christmas!!!

The day started with my nephew giving his yearly Christmas-gift giving to small kids in the neighborhood. (Actually, it's his dad who is the sponsor.) It is also the day their godchildren (tagging along their brothers and sisters) get to visit them for an aguinaldo. Well, for me, I already sent out my gifts to my godchildren earlier and do not expect a long line of kids to bring we good wishes. Hehehe!

Lunch came out as a family reunion. My two cousins and their families came for lunch (with our other aunts, cousins. etc.) One is based in the U.S. and the other is based in Japan. The get-together is definitely fun as three-generations of our family share stories, jokes, and sang their hearts out.

When all our guests have left, me and my nieces decided to go to Glorietta to watch the movies included in the Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF).

Shake, Rattle and Roll 8
It seems everyone has the same idea. The queue to the ticket counter as well as the queue to the theaters is loooooonnnnngggg. So, decided to buy tickets for the two movies we would be watching today.

Started with Shake, Rattle and Roll 8. Shake, Rattle and Roll 8 is a trilogy of horror stories. The first is titled "13th Floor". This is the comedy/horror episode of the movie. The second is titled "Yaya". The scariest of the three is "LRT". According to my niece, some of the scenes of "LRT" is based on Japan's Death Note.

Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo
Our next movie is Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo. Definitely a must-see movie. Judy Ann Santos and Ms. Gina Pareno act so natural. Just from the trailer, one would know that the movie is definitely funny. And the movie still has a lot to offer. (Some movies only have good trailers that the trailer itself shows the highlights of the movie.) Everyone who left the theaters still have grin plastered in their faces. Hehehehe!

Now, what would be next on my list...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Simbang Gabi

Waking up late is getting to be a habit... hehehe!

After lunch, we went to the cemetery to visit Nanay (our mother). Lit candles for her and said a prayer.

Would have done my "assignment". Started a little but the bed is soooo inviting. LOL. I promise to finish them by tomorrow... (fingers-crossed)

Attended the Simbang Gabi (translation: midnight mass). Good thing I brought my own chair or I would be standing the whole one and a half hour. c",)

A Merry CHRISTmas to one and all!!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Party!!!

Woke up almost lunch time. (Thanks to the call I received really early morning, about 1am, reporting a system slowdown problem... as usual.) That's when I learned that tonight will be my brother's Christmas party treat for his staff and supporters. As usual, I would be the one thinking of the games.

So, after lunch, proceeded to the mall to buy the things I need for the games. These include balloons, small balls, etc. I would normally have done them in a breeze. Give or take, I would be at home with the items within one to two hours. But the queue!!! It seems everyone is doing their last minute shopping.

The party that night went smoothly with everyone having a grand time... laughing as they participate or watch others play the games. Everyone went home with a gift or two. c",)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Gerry's "Reunion"

We're going to meet our friends/former officemates (who went back to the Philippines to spend their Christmas here) for lunch. One is from Australia and the others are based in Singapore. It would be some sort of a reunion.

(Sorry, guys, have to "blindfold" you as I never like putting pictures with faces in the internet
in case others might use them and edit for their purpose/s.)

Decided to have our "reunion" lunch at Gerry's Grill, Glorietta. The restaurant offers Filipino cuisine. A good food choice for our "balikbayans". There were lots of stories shared, mostly funny and "juicy". Hehehe!

On the way back to the office, that's when a little accident took place. While waiting for the two drivers reach an agreement, what we did is come up with a "script" of what our driver is saying to the other driver, and vice-versa. Also included the traffic enforcer in the "script". Of course, don't forget to pose for the camera. LOL

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Lunch Party

As her Christmas gift for us, our CTO always treat us for a Christmas lunch. In charge of the preparations, budgeting and games is done on rotation by division.

While waiting for the lunch party to begin, there is already a "mini-game" which the attendees can do. There are images that you would have to look at and guess what it is. The trick is one must make her/himself cross-eyed for the image to "pop-out" off the paper. If you were able to guess, the prize in front of the "puzzle" will be yours.

After eating, we played three games and raffle prizes were drawn.

The following were the games we played:
  • The team who first finishes to unwrap the chocolate Kisses wins. Easy? Not if you are wearing mittens! c",)

  • Everyone picks a song. He/she then hums the song while looking for his/her teammates humming the same song.

  • The team who first finishes to wrap the gift wins. The downside? All must just use their left hand! :p

Everyone who attended the party left with at least a prize/gift.

Then, it was reunion of some sort. Our former officemates dropped by the office to visit us. They arrived from Canada so that they can spend Christmas here in the Philippines. As Gary V. sang... "babalik ka rin". Hehehe!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Streets Are A-Lit

Decided to make a detour on the way home, this way, I would be able to see the Christmas Decors adorning the buildings of Makati (even a part of it... hehehe!)

I guess, austerity is being practiced as the same (or similar) decorations as last year were put up. Some buildings who have decorations last year did not even put one up this year.

I have with me my film SLR and a digital camera plus a monopod. Did not use the latter as there are fences I can put my elbows on as I take the shots... c",) But, is sure is hard taking the same shot using two cameras. Hehe!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Fifi has a new home (castle)!!!

Finally observed how Fifi enjoyed his home (castle) today.

I brought to the office his new 6 1/2" diameter aquarium last Saturday to replace his 4" diameter aquarium. And he seems to be enjoying his new home as he swims around his castle, into and out of the castle's door. c",)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Spirit Trap

Must be the effect of my photography lessons, searched through my things and found stocks of unused films. Found two that are already expired. Decided to use them (expired films) just to practice. Since my (film) SLR is lighter, decided to use it instead of my digital SLR.

Before proceeding to the mall, decided to drop by the office to replace Fifi's aquarium. Bought a 6 1/2" diameter aquarium last night because I feel sorry for Fifi in his 4" diameter aquarium.

4th Floor

Since I was already at the office, decided to practice on the Belen displays of each floor. Finally, I saw the finished product of the fourth floor (who happened to take second place in the competition).


Also took a picture of the Christmas Tree in our building's lobby.

Instead of taking a ride to the Ayala Center, decided to walk and see if I can take some shots on the way. Well, I was able to finish my 12-roll film and have it developed.

Then, watched the movie Spirit Trap. A horror movie about four young students, Tom, Adele, Jenny and Nick, who would share a vacant mansion with their fifth housemate, Tina. Strange things soon occurred when Nick found a journal behind an antique grandfather's clock. The clock started ticking as soon as the journal was removed. It seemed that they were led to the mansion to keep them there along with their deepest, darkest secrets. There's no gore, not bloody. But, one keeps on wondering what is all behind what's going on inside the mansion and why they are being trapped-in.

After the movie, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Super Bowl. Our table overlooks the Glorietta 4 Park where a chorale group is singing Christmas Carols. After the programme, fireworks display followed suit.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


It's the last day of the workshop. So far, have enjoyed myself. There are more lectures and the last activity would be the critique of the pictures we took last evening.

Learned more new things...

  • For pictures with zoom streaks, use tripod, lens with telescopic lens, and slow shutter speed. Tips: Click then zoom.

  • Exception for the rule of thirds: reflection.

  • If you need to divide the frame, divide diagonally.

  • For "tourist shots", let the person get near the camera.

  • Foreground adds a sense of depth and scale to the picture.

  • Tips on composition: (a) Have a focal point of interest. (b) Use one of the techniques to emphasize focal point of interest. (c) Know what to include. (d) Know what to exclude.

  • Lens maintenance: (a) Use a UV or skylight filter to protect your lens. (b) Always clean your lens, on the protective filter, after every use and before storing them. (c) Use a blower brush to remove dust and brits before applying any lens cleaner. (d) Only use lens cleaner and lens tissue to remove finger prints on the lens. (e) Store the lens in a dry box or a dry cabinet; place silica gel in the dry box.

  • How to clean the lens: (a) Use blower brush. (b) Use camel brush. (c) Use lens cleaning paper. (d) If dirt still cannot be removed, use (Kodak) lens cleaner and apply in a cotton bud; dry using the lens tissue.

  • In manual setting, change either aperture or shutter speed. Use spot meter to isolate the subject from the dark or bright background; use telephoto lens to isolate the subject from the dark or bright background; use fill light, or use bracketing.

  • Exposure for the full moon: Use a shutter speed of the reciprocal of ISO, i.e., for ISO 100, use 1/125.

  • Exposure for sunset: Read the sky without the sun.

In the afternoon, activity is to critique the shots we took last night. Of the shots I took, the instructor was impressed with the Baywalk lamp post I took that evening. (The morning shot of the lamp post already impressed him.) Actually, when I took that shot last night, masaya na ako! Hehehe!

Which reminds me, I have to buy a blower brush and a camel brush...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hands-on Photography

Today promises to be fun. We would be going to Roxas Boulevard in the morning, go back to PCCI after 10am for a few more lectures and critique the pictures we took that morning, then go back again to Roxas Boulevard for some picture-taking.

The downside? We have to be at the meeting place (Rajah Sulayman Park, infront of the Aristocrat) by 7AM! Hello...?! I normally wake up at 7AM during weekdays.

I was second to arrive at the meeting place. At least, it's not The Amazing Race that I would get booted-out if I arrive last. Hehehe!

We received the following things to do that morning:


Early morning (ISO 100)

1. Shoot landscape/urbanscape/seascape
a. panoramic view (wide angle)
b. distant view (statues, buildings, boats) (telephoto)

2. Shoot people
a. people at work (street cleaners, policemen, vendors)
b. street photography (people talking, people sleeping, people buying, sitting at the park, etc.)

3. Abstracts--details of buildings, churches, cars, vehicles, etc.--and colors--close-up shots of flowers, walls or facade, etc.)

4. Nature--flowers, etc.

Later in the morning

1. Shoot your buddy's portrait using a wide, normal and telephoto lens; changing the format to horizontal and vertical.

2. Shoot your buddy's portrait with the light source coming from different direction: in front; 45 degrees to the subject; sidelighted; backlighted. Shoot him/her under the light and under the shade.

3. Shoot your buddy's portrait using a simple background--sky, sea, facade of the building.

4. Shoot your buddy's portrait using a busy background--street scene--using 50mm lens. Use an exposure with the lens set to f/16. Step down one stop interval until you reach the widest opening of your lens.

5. Take the picture of the marble balls on the sidewalk of Baywalk.
a. Use 50mm and focus somewhere in the middle ball;
b. Use the widest opening your lens has and then step down at one stop interval until ye get the smallest opening. (use aperture priority setting)
c. Focus on the marble ball infront of you and use the widest possible opening.
d. Focus on the marble ball farthest from you and focus on infinity.

6. Shoot the moving vehicles on the street facing the church
a. use a slow shutter speed (i.e. 1/30s).
b. use a faster shutter speed (i.e., 1/250s).
c. use the panning technique.

Around 11AM, we went back to PCCI for a lecture on composition, lunch and critique on the pictures we've taken. Considering... I think I took fairly good shots.

At around 3PM, we are on our way back to Roxas Boulevard. We would be waiting for the sunset. But, around 4:30PM, rain fell! While the rest managed to take shelter at Aristocrat, my buddy and I have to make do with small cafeteria nearby. It really is good to be a "girl scout"--I have my umbrella with me. LOL.

We may not have taken good shots of the sunset, but the rain provided me good images on reflections.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Photography and Saigon

It's my first day of Basic Photography at Philippine Center for Creative Imaging (PCCI). Started with lectures about photography, different types of camera, exposure, shutter speed, etc. Although, we went outside the class for a few minutes to demonstrate/practice taking pictures of special conditions like shooting a black subject, a white subject, etc.

These are the new things I've learned:

  • Think like a camera and not what you like to see.

  • When setting-up your equipment, just use your two fingers so as not to "force" locking or switching of mechanisms.

  • Focal length of a lens determine the size of the image that is formed on the film or sensor. f/n where f=focal length, e.g. for 200mmm, an f/4 is 200/4 or 50mm opening.

  • For digital camera, there is magnification. For film camera, using 200mm focal length is 200mm. For digital camera with 1.5 magnification, using 200mm focal length is actually 300mm (200mm x 1.5 magnification), that is, if lens is not for digital.

  • If camera cannot focus using auto-focus, change to manual; or use an object to focus of same distance as subject.

  • The slowest hand-held speed should be about the same fraction or smaller (faster) as the focal length in millimeters.

  • To know if properly exposed: (a) Look at the brightest parts of the image and see if there are details; else, overexposed. (b) Look at the shadow and see if there are details; if not, underexposed.

  • Meters indicate the "correct" exposure as one that will set the subject in a mid-tone (18% gray), between light and dark.

  • For portraits: 85-135mm focal length at f/4 and f/5.6.

  • For landscape: use smallest possible opening, e.g. f/22.

  • Panning: When choosing a subject to pan, choose a background that is busy. Panning is successful if you choose a shutter speed of 1/30 of a second or slower. Tips: Focus on the subject, click, follow-thru.

  • Waves are better taken with a fast shutter speed, falls with a slow shutter speed.

  • For traffic at night, get the reading of the (background) buildings for exposure.

  • For fireworks, use bulb, shutter cable release and lens with hood, click to close the shutter when fireworks explode.

  • As you take a picture, "crop" it before taking the shot and not "crop" it after (post-processing).

  • When using a tripod, be sure one leg is infront and the two legs are at the back as it would prevent tilting of the camera to the front (with the lens providing a bigger weight).

For contrasty situations:

  • Subject against bright background, i.e., person against white wall, sand, sea, sky or snow. Solution: Increase exposure by 1 to 2 stops.

  • Subject against dark background, i.e., person against a foliage in deep shadow or dark building. Solution: Decrease exposure by 1 to 2 stops.

  • Bright subject, i.e., woman in a wedding dress. Solution: Increase exposure by 1 to 2 stops.

  • Dark subject, i.e., a dark person or person in dark suit. Solution: Decrease exposure by 1 or 2 stops.

  • When you include a lot of sky in the picture, i.e., landscape with grass. Solution: Take a reading of the ground and use it.

  • When you include a bright light source in the frame, i.e., sunset. Solution: Take a reading of the sky without the sun and use that reading.

  • When you shoot into the light source, i.e., backlit. Solution: Increase 2 to 3 stops.

  • Shooting in bright summer day and mid-day with exposure range more than 7 stops. Solution: Decide which is important, the shadow or the highlights.

Black subject

White subject

Since I was wearing a black shirt, I have to endure having my picture taken... haayyyyy! (So I can also try my hand in taking a picture of a black subject, I took the picture of one of the students wearing black.) This is to demonstrate that you should underexpose when taking pictures of black subjects as the camera balances out the whole scene to gray. Thus, the black subject turns lighter. To get the correct color, one should underexpose.

As for a white subject, one should overexpose.

After class, went my way to Aberdeen at Makati Avenue, where our Christmas Party will be held. But first, stopped by Tropical Hut to eat their classic hamburger.

As usual, I am the unofficial-official videographer. Took videos of each competing unit's presentation.

The theme is Broadway. The first to present is the 5th floor for Oliver Twist. The second to present is the 7th floor for Miss Saigon. The third to present is the 6th floor for The Phantom of the Opera. And the last but not the least, is the 4th floor for Grease.

Although there are two ongoing competitions, the Belen-Making and the Christmas presentation, the highlight seems to be the Christmas presentation.

For the Belen-Making, the winners are (from winner to fourth place) 6th floor, 4th floor, 7th floor and 5th floor.

For the Christmas Presentation, the ranking are (from winner to fourth place) 7th floor (Miss Saigon), 4th floor (Grease), 6th floor (Phantom of the Opera) and 5th floor (Oliver Twist).

We won!!!! Yes!

Monday, December 11, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

"...everywhere you go.
Take a look in the five and ten
glistening once again
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow."

It's the time of year where different units of our company conduct competitions of decorating their floors with Christmas decorations.

Today is the judging of GSD's Christmas Decor Competition. As usual, went to its different departments and checked how they fared.

Winter Wonderland

Paskong Pilipino

The Nativity

Tomorrow, it would be our turn--a Belen competition. Since I won't be reporting for work tomorrow until Thursday, I already made the rounds even if the decorations are still being put up. So, on the way home, started from the 7th floor down to the 4th floor.

7th Floor

6th Floor

5th Floor

When I reached the 4th Floor, they are still covering a long rectangular box with a black plastic. I wonder what they would do with it?

Meet Fifi (FIghting FIsh)

Gifts are trickling in. Received a fish as a gift from my kumpare and kumare. Since I like blue, they gave me a blue fighting fish in a blue container. c",) Now, I call her FIFI (for FIghting FIsh). They gave our other friends the same kind of fish but of a different color--there's red (in a red container) and there's blue-green (in a green container).

Blue Fighting Fish
I kidded my kumpare and told him, "Magbibigay ka lang ng regalo, alagain pa." (Translation: Of all, you have to give a gift I have to take care of.) At least, his gift is complete with food pellets. Hehehe!

His instruction: give two to three food pellets daily and change the water once a week.

I remember when I also received hamsters as a gift. Have to hold them once a day so I can tame them. Even bought food, playthings, etc. I guess, they are intelligent creatures for, one day, they are no longer in their cage. I wonder if they were able to lift their cage's door open?

Fifi is a MALE! Surfed the internet and learned that the fighting fish, also known as Betta Siamese Fighting Fish, of the male species have a wide array of color, from royal blue to purple to brilliant scarlet red. While the female bettas are drab and brown. They are called fighting fish as the males will fight to death if placed in the same tank.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Rainy Sunday

Typhoon Seniang (international name: Utor) is also felt here... providing a bed weather.

Would have liked to stay home in bed but I have to go to Glorietta to pick up my order, bring it to the office and distribute. This way, when they arrive tomorrow morning, they'll see it already on their desk. c",)

Good thing, I was able to borrow my brother's driver as traveling from Glorietta to the office and back to Glorietta is a breeze... or rainy would be more apt?

Considering the weather is rainy, there are lots of cars leading to the mall, and there are lots of people in the mall. I guess because Christmas is nearing and they still have to buy their gifts. At least, slowly but surely, I have already ticked-off a lot in my list.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Dora at Saigon

Our unit's Christmas Party would be this coming Tuesday. As a show of support, those not included in the presentation would have to wear the theme. Since the theme of the competition is Broadway, our floor (both the presentation and the Christmas decor competitions is by floor) chose Miss Saigon.

As a gimmick, those who would be attending the party should wear hats. Which is OK as to fit the Miss Saigon theme, we would be wearing military caps. (It seems that fashion this season is military look.) So, borrowed my niece's cap.

We were supposed to wear a white t-shirt and fatigue, brown or cargo pants. Thus, borrowed my nephew's cargo pants. But I can't figure how a white t-shirt and (khaki) cargo pants would look like a military attire... Thus, decided to buy myself a fatigue jacket. It has to be something I can still wear for any occasion.

So spent my day looking for the "perfect" jacket. LOL. Checked first all the stores and went back to the store selling the one I liked best. (Found a classy fatigue jacket and it costs P4,000.00. Yikes! And the saleslady said it's an original Burberry.) Have to make do with the one I bought... may dating (it has "it!") Hehehe!

I wonder if it would be all right if I wear a black t-shirt with Saigon written on it? Said shirt is a pasalubong to me by a friend.

After which, attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Phobac. While eating there, we can hear the program at the Glorietta Activity Center. The program stars the character Dora. And there are a lot of kids (with their parents) watching the show. After the show, the kids were allowed to have their pictures takes on stage with Dora. c",)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Happy Feet

Was able to get an approval to offset on December 12 to 14 the overtime I made during an implementation of a project last March. Would finally be able to attend the course I would like to take related to my interest: photography. Here's hoping no major problem will occur in the office that may prevent me to take the course. Hayyyy....

So, have to go to the Philippine Center for Creative Imaging (PCCI) at Pasong Tamo to confirm my enrollment. Alighted from the passenger jeepney below the Magallanes Interchange to cross to the other side of the South Superhighway, that's when I noticed the newly renovated overpass. A nice way to spend a leisurely day as the sparkling water from the fountain provides a cool breeze.

After which, proceeded to the Ayala Center to do my usual Saturday activity.

Watched Happy Feet. Definitely a must-watch movie. Another movie added to my list of must-have a copy (LOL). There are several times I caught myself tapping and nodding to the beat. And the audience laugh (and cry) with Mumble.

Mumble belongs to the tribe of Emperor Penguins, where singing is of a priority in order for a penguin to have romantic possibilities. But Mumble is unlike the other penguins in his community, he was born with tune-tap dancing inclinations instead of the ability to sing. But Mumble's uniqueness would actually help his fellow penguins who considered it a curse and brought starvation (few fishes) to their community. Actually, it's the "aliens" who have disrupted their food chain. As to who the "aliens" are, watch the movie... c",)

After the movie, met with my niece who asked me to accompany her as she buys Christmas gifts for her friends. We then attended the anticipated Mass and had dinner at Pancake House. Across the restaurant, there's a choir singing Christmas Carols at the Glorietta Activity Center. Featured for this Saturday is the Ateneo Glee Club. Am not sure if it's the acoustics or the sound system, I can't understand some of the words/lyrics of the carols as they sing... :(

Friday, December 01, 2006

Reming, The Return

A supertyphoon named Reming (international name: Durian) has roared its way to the country. It would have gone the same path as the recent supertyphoon Milenyo (international name: Xangsane), but Reming veered and spared Metro Manila. Thinking that Reming is stronger than Milenyo and moves slower, its impact is devastating. My ears were stuck on the radio yesterday at the office, hoping to hear updates on Reming. Was rather worried since when Milenyo struck, I was afraid that the roof of our house would be lifted off. When heard that Metro Manila would not be directly hit, my fears were abated. But I feel sorry for those who would feel Reming's wrath. As of last heard, almost 400 people died.

Woke up with the weather still gray. Decided to continue with my plan of buying Christmas gifts for my nieces, nephews, godchildren, etc. After leaving my purchases to be gift-wrapped, decided to watch a movie.

The Return is a drama, thriller, horror movie. Joanna Mills is haunted by visions of a brutal murder. A driven sales representative for a trucking company, she makes it a point that she won't be assigned in Texas. Something happened to her in Texas when she was still a girl; but, cannot recall what it was. Until she decided to break her "rule" and return. Upon arriving there, her visions has been frequent. She visited the murder victim's hometown, guided by her nightmares. Hoping that would end it... or would it?

The treatment is different and others might find some scenes as dragging (actually, one of the moviegoers gave a loud yawn). But the twist it offers is distinct.

After the movie, picked up my parcels. Passing through Glorietta Activity Center, learned that Christian Bautista would be giving a free concert today. Since one of our SSEAYP guests liked Christian Bautista, decided to try to catch him, take some pictures and e-mail her.

I was able to tick off a lot from my list. Made several trips to and from my car to drop the items I bought. (This is one of the rare times during the year when I bring my car to the mall--so that I can put in the car's trunk my purchases! LOL)

At around 4PM, went back to the Glorietta Activity Center to listen to Christian Bautista. There were a lot of girls screaming. I wonder why...? hehehehe!

From 11AM to 7PM at the mall to buy my Christmas presents... not bad! c",)